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Andrew Pepper

Work included in Die Dritte Dimension im Bild - Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Work on show in Analogue virtual worlds: Display holography at the dawn of cyberspace. Gallery 286, London.
Work included in
Paradigma Holográfico, Centro de Holografía y Artes Dados Negros, Spain
Article Published on Medium.com
Edition for the Artist Support Pledge
Work included in the NEA 2022 Open Exhibition
New publication explores critical holography - Special Arts Issue edited by Andrew Pepper
New work on show at the Aveiro City Museum, Portugal.
Exhibition on show as part of the Whitstable Biennale 10th May - 8th June 2018
Documents Alternatives #3, BSAD Gallery, Bath School of Art and Design, Bath, UK. 20th April - 1st May 2018
The Unsupported Mark - Drawing with Holography, Gallery 286, London, UK.
Documents Alternatives #2, Verge Gallery, Sydney, Australia, January - February 2018
Work included in Documents Alternatives until December 2017
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, New Mexico, 9th - 25th June 2017
Projected 'Intervention', Nottingham Castle Open Exhibition
Corner 'Interventions', Spaces of Uncertainty, Summer Academy, Stuttgart
Three – Nine – 35mm. 35mm slides, electroluminescent panel, electrical tape.
New work on show at The Alternative Document Exhibition
Drawing with light as part of an artists in residence session in Bonington Gallery
Installation with 35mm slide projection and digital reflection hologram. Primary Studios.
Limited edition silk screen print, Coherent Points (Surface)
Three Spaces - Installation with hologram, video and shadow
Drawology. Group exhibition, Lanchester Gallery, Coventry University.
Since 1843: In the Making - Group exhibition, Bonington Gallery
Interference : Coexistence - Group exhibition - The Clocktower, Long Island City, New York.
Random Cube Rotation - Projected light installation
Steam Beams, two 35mm slide projectors and steam column

Finding your way around



More images, videos and text have been added to this redesigned site, as well as an extensive archive of work and exhibition listings.

Several new items and pages have been added in an attempt to connect many of the works on show and the exhibitions in which they were first shown.

You can jump to recent items about work, exhibitions, writing, publications and collaborations by using the 'highlights' section on the right or find details about selected works above.





Andrew Pepper works with projected light, holography and installation.  Based in the UK,  he has exhibited his work in group and solo exhibitions internationally and, as a senior lecturer in fine art at Nottingham Trent University, he taught on the BA (Hons) fine art course, the Master of Fine Art course and has acted as a PhD examiner for a wide range of key project-based research submissions.


This site is part archive, collecting text and images of work dating back to 1977, part centralised list for exhibitions and publications and part organisational tool to bring scattered information into one accessible location.  More >>



Much of the content on the site has been collected into categories for easy access.  Key groups are listed to the left under QUICK LINKS but you can also search the entire site using work titles, event names or key phrases.