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Andrew Pepper

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Work on show in New York and St. Petersburg

British Fulbrighter Andrew Pepper, currently has work on show at two international exhibitions.  Both part of UNESCO’s International Year of Light:

Line Addition, an early work from the Addition Series produced with Light Fantastic, London,  is on show at the Governors Island National Monument Summer Museum, New York, USA.  


Selected by Dr. Martina Mrongovius, the exhibition brings together a number of international artists who engaged with holography and spatial imaging in their practice.

Two other works Vertical Liquid Supported and Lean, are on show in a new exhibition space at the recently renovated Elisseev Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia.


The show was launched at the start of an international symposium on display holography in June, and features examples of creative work in the field.  It continues until the end of October 2015.


Andy originally spent a year at the prestigious Museum of Holography, New York, undertaking social history research around creative holography, as well as learning technical and exhibition skills.  He went on to be awarded the first Doctorate in Fine Art Holography from the University of Reading, UK, based on his Fulbright research and subsequent work.  His Fulbright year was so successful that it was renewed for a further 12 months which allowed him, with the support of the Museum, to travel to the West Coast of America and interview key artists and scientists working with holography.

For more details about Andy and his work, please use the menu at the top of the page to explore.


Andrew Pepper works with projected light, holography and installation.  Based in the UK,  he has exhibited his work in group and solo exhibitions internationally and, as a senior lecturer in fine art at Nottingham Trent University, he taught on the BA (Hons) fine art course, the Master of Fine Art course and has acted as a PhD examiner for a wide range of key project-based research submissions.


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