16 January - 10 February 2012
Bonington Gallery
Nottingham Trent University
School of Art and Design
Bonington Building, Nottingham.

A group exhibition on the theme of 'Archipelago'.

This is the latest exhibition presented by staff from Nottingham Trent University's School of Art and Design, featuring experimental practice from a range of art and design disiplines.

Artists were asked to consider themselves and their practice as islands. An island may be the work of one practitioner, that of an established collaboration, or a group brought together by common concerns.

Tizio Water
This small rectangle of 'ground' inverts the normal impression of an archipelago - here the holographic shadow of liquid is the defining terrain, edged by the junction between the glass holographic plate and the surrounding solid architecture (the gallery floor).

Approached from a distance, the black crane-like structure of a Tizio table lamp (a recognisable and practical design classic), offers a graphic and defined 'point to view from'. It is, in a way, instructional - guiding the viewer to an observation point. Its light precisely directed down onto a holographic rectangle which appears black and flat from a distance.

One aim of the installation is to interrogate the symbiosis of the historic 'found' object (recognised, celebrated and archived in major international art and design museums) and the 'historic' holographic recording (unknown, displaced and functionless). The latter is made visible by the presence of the former.

Tizio Water
Reflection hologram on glass, Tizio table lamp.

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